At Skogskyrkogården, the graves are modest and uniform in size, reflecting the belief that all individuals are equal in death. Photo: Mattias Ek.

Funerals and graves

There are several practical considerations to address both before and after a funeral.

Losing a loved one brings many challenging questions. One of the most important is how to arrange their final resting place.

For information on various practical matters, please visit the Funerals and Cemeteries (Begravning och kyrkogårdar) website:

Questions about funerals and grave maintenance

For inquiries regarding funerals or grave maintenance at Skogskyrkogården, please contact the Cemetery Administration (kyrkogårdsförvaltningen) in Stockholm.

Find the grave

The “Find the Grave” (Hitta graven) search and map service assists you in locating graves within the cemetery.



Phone hours
Monday–Friday 09.00–12.00
Irregular phone hours
Good Friday April 18 – closed
Easter Saturday April 19 – closed
Easter April 20 – closed
Easter Monday April 21 – closed
Telephone 08-508 30 191
Photo: Mattias Ek.

Memorial Site for Stillborn Children

Skogskyrkogården contains anonymous children’s graves, some of which hold multiple burials. These were typically for stillborn infants sent from hospitals for burial until the 1980s.

Today, a memorial site at Skogskyrkogården honors these children. Located near the side entrance adjacent to the subway station, visitors can sit, leave flowers, and light candles.

